Jedi Living: Relaxation

Written by Kevin Trout, originally published on Jedi365

Serenity and Peace are core aspects to the Jedi Path. Though more often than not we are worrying about one thing or another. Stressing out over a plethora of problems, some of which don’t even have anything to do with us or haven’t happened yet. It is important you stop and simply relax.

The question often becomes how. I feel there are three main things you can do.

1.) Find a place where you can just go and relax. I remember a Jedi telling me their spot was the bathroom. He had a very active family life and the peace he got for twenty minutes in the bathroom helped his sanity immensely. Of course others find parks, hiking trails, or the ocean as their place. For some it is the ebb and flow of life at a coffee shop. The key is to simply find a place which you feel comfortable and able to relax.

2.) Do something you love. Find something you thoroughly enjoy and chose to give some time to it. Don’t force it, but embrace some time with something you love to do. Knitting, Gaming, Working out, writing Jedi posts of relaxation, whatever works for you.

3.) Deep Breath. The world can be a crazy and seemingly chaotic place. Remember that it is not a race or competition. As hectic as life can get it is meant to be savored. Enjoy the journey and appreciate the ride. Take a nice deep breath and remind yourself that you are still on the journey. You are not at the finishline. When one problem is solved another will appear eventually. Life continues and there is no sense in digging yourself into a mental hole. Simply breathe. Your mind will tend to provide you with the answers if you just relax and have a little patience with yourself. So smell those roses and when reinvigorated tackle the obstacles in your way.

We tend to make our best decisions when at peace and serene. If you need an idea to try about put these three concepts together. I offer a practice I use in quote form: “I love to have a bath with beautiful, relaxing music on and have no rush to do anything. It’s a wonderful indulgence, and it helps me to calm down and stop my mind running overtime.” – Kylie Minogue

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