Jedi Wellness
A Jedi is defined by their training. Here are posts specifically targeted at improving the five areas of wellness: Phsycial, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual.

Meditation Series
Meditation is a practice common to most philosophical or spiritual paths. Whether it is the common image of Buddhist or Hindu meditation, or the Christian or Muslim practice of reflective prayers, or even the non-religious practice of self-reflection and relaxation, all Jedi practice a form of it.

What is the Force?
"It surrounds us, penetrates, binds the galaxy together." What is the force? California Jedi Members speak on what the Force means to them.

Opinions and Perspectives
There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge. Here you will find lectures and lessons written by members of the California Jedi.

The path toward Knighthood is a common goal for Jedi, but what is it all about?

Alternate Perspectives
Although this site is focused on the training and wisdom of California Jedi members, we all learn from each other. Here you will find lectures and lessons from non-California Jedi.