Five Jedi Traits that We Rarely Praise
Ask a Jedi: Darkness and Being a Jedi
Jedi Justice: A Temple of the Jedi Order Perspective
Guardians of Peace in the Galaxy: Being an Ally as a Jedi

Written by Kai-An Tatok/Katie Mock of California Jedi for the 2015 Indiana Gathering. *This workshop was delivered first at the 2015 Indiana Gathering, and I am making the handout available for download below. Please give credit where credit is due.* “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first…
Six Things a Jedi Master is Not
Jedi Meditation: The Calming Breath

The Calming Breath is the oldest Jedi meditation. Adapted from yogic breathing, this exercise has been used by the community practically since its inception. If you’ve been watching our Jedi History Video Course, you will have heard it mentioned several times. So for the sake of going back to basics,…