Thoughts on Charlottesville and Being a Jedi in the Days to Come
Your Words: A More Elegant Weapon

Written by Roz Johnson, reprinted with permission. Originally published on “Strength and Determination” Depending on where you go in the Jedi community, there is much talk of martial arts. If we take the fiction as our starting point, it goes without saying that those we emulate were competent in various forms…
2017 California Gathering Wrap Up

The 2017 California Gathering was this past weekend (August 10th-13th), and it was a roaring success. Up in the mountains near Santa Barbara, nine California Jedi, one Utah Jedi, and three Jedi-adjacent friends and supporters met to train, discuss the path, and make friends. We held workshops on non-attachment, emotional…
A Jedi Gathering of One

The California Jedi Gathering begins tomorrow, with twelve Jedi (and Jedi friends) trekking into the Mountains for a weekend of fellowship and training. The Maryland Gathering begins the week after. For these Jedi, their coming weekends will be spent with friends who understand and support their path, and we will…